Help Provide Clean Water - PLEASE GIVE Generously.
One well costs about $7,500 AUD giving clean water to a village of about
225 people.
All donations over $2.00 within Australia are Tax Deductible but donations from other countries are very welcomed and encouraged!
How to Donate
Cheque or Money Order (payable to
WellWishers) to:
PO Box 27
Brunswick South VIC 3055
2. Bank Deposits may be made into the following account:
Bank Name: Bank of Queensland
Bank Address: Level 19, 259 Queen St, Brisbane, QLD 4000
BSB Number: 124001
Account Number: 21658949
Account Name: WellWishers Trust
SWIFT Code: QBANAU4B (not required by Australian donors)
When making a donation using this method, please
email the WellWishers Co-ordinator with your name & address for tax receipting purposes.
3. Automatic Periodical Payments
For details, please contact your bank.
4. On-Line to (this link works world-wide)
If you prefer to use Australia Post for donations or
membership, you may prefer to download a form